Selasa, 20 September 2011

Sometimes I wish I am still a little girl, so I can climbed to your laps and snuggled. Playing with your beard and mustache, Papa.
And I won't give a damn about the hard time we had in the family.

I miss to hug the adults on a kid way.
Playfully and genuine. Worry free.
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Powered by The Nerves


3 or 4 days in a row, tiap sore pening-pening, mual ga jelas
what is wrong with me?
hamil? karena pacaran gelap-gelapan?
hamil ama guling.
entar anaknya guling kecil-kecil. iih lucuuuuu. hihihi
*gagal fokus
aku ga mau sakiiiiit. mau sehat...sehaaaaat.
ntar mau di'kop ah.
*kemungkinan gue mengalami phobia sore hari. tepat jam tiga, saat matahari beranjak dari terik menuju barat, aku berubah, aku mulai merasakan tengkukku berkedut-kedut, bulu-bulu di daerah tertentu meremang (OOT, tiba2 gue saat ini kepengen es sirup markisa brastagi)...back to...meremang, eh bulu apa ya, bulu idung kek, ketek kek, terserah.
ah au ah,
aku mual bangeeet,

Jumat, 16 September 2011

Another Song - JT

'Mmffh. Hahahahhahahahaha'
'What's so funny'
'Aku ga inget rasa ataupun the way we kissed'
'Hahahha. Yeah.............'
'..I am sorry'

*all over again.
Sent from Maroon
Powered by The Nerves

Selasa, 13 September 2011

To you, Sir.

too bad I only have two middle fingers.

Senin, 12 September 2011

God bless you.

I am so freaking bored.
My playlist failed me.
Nyalain radio, pasang earphone.
".....dalam Petrus"
*ngangkat alis"
Aku dengerin radio pelayanan!
Diingetin kalau Tuhan tidak membeda-bedakan berkat.
Kita semua sama berharganya.
Ciocok banget sama suasana hati. =)

Selasa, 06 September 2011

2 Hickeys

I gave you two hickeys that night.
The night when your wife found out that I am the one who giving her hell.
The night when she called me as monster on the phone.
I gave you two hickeys, then I came to your door with a gun in my pocket.
The night when I welcome my self in, and shoot you dead.
The night when your wife screamed at me, a capital WHY.
And I shouted back "YOU FUCKED MY FATHER BITCH!", then I shoot her on the stomach.
Guess it killed your unborn baby too.
Thats the night when I gave you two hickeys.