Kamis, 20 September 2012

Karma & Dharma

I've lost it.
I wept like a spoiled kid.
I felt like a spider got tangled on his own made web.
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Senin, 10 September 2012

*its just

'Kamu kenapa diem banget?'
'Ha? Eh, engga. Engga papa.'
'What's in your head? Ga biasa biasanya kamu diem gini.'
'Um, nothing. Capek doang kali'
"Oh. Seriously. Seorang kamu? Kamu thypus aja masih bawel. Tell me."
"Haha. Ah. Yeah. There's things on my head"
"Such as?"
"Such, I can't watch the annual concerts with you"
"Oh. Why? Another business trip? Kan masih lama banget, tumben banget jadwalnya udah keluar"
"And? Why?"
"Gue ga yakin masih hidup sampai tahun depan. Some stupid cancer, stadium-stadium terakhir"
"........... Jangan boong"
"Menurut kamu, hal kaya gitu aku bisa bohong? Ah forget it. Temenin aku belanja yuk. Ga mau keliatan nestapa."
"Hey, kamu kenapa? Ini sekarang aku ga diem. Kamu malah gantian diem"
".........hhh. Hiks hiks hiks"
"Please, don't cry. Or I will sing that song"
(Sedu sedan)
"Don't cry, don't be shy..kamu cantik apa adanya.."

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Rabu, 05 September 2012


I'm thirty. And I am what?
I am sucks.
I'm thirty. And I am what?
I have mental issues.
I'm thirty. And I am what?
I am overly give a fuck about a littlest thing I shouldn't.
I'm thirty. And I am what?
I forget how does it feels to be alive.
I'm thirty. And I'm signing out.
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Really! Its a fuck you all!
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Senin, 03 September 2012

I want you
I don't want you
I want friends
I want to be alone
I want to be strong
I want to give up

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