Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

again, I am questioning my existence  in this very community, relationship, family, friendship and

*iki tak awut-awut wae piye


I hate people whines all the time.
I mean whining is okay in a moderate amount. BUT FOR FUCK SAKE.
It's should not be like 24/7
Okay, I am whining here to hear you whining. 


Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014

produk emosi adalah...perut yang riuh dengan gas, kepala cekot2 dan kesulitan memejamkan mata

*here I am, ranting and decided to be a SR on MDM forgos.

my skin burnt from the touch. disgusted by the voice. irritate by the air.

who needs the subject?

I say..ssh silence, heart. Head, please takes over.

I  am so full of anger,  all I can hear is my own heart beats in a full volume, rapidly.