Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

ade ape

Ade ape? Tiba-tiba saya pengen nikah. Hahaha. Sungguh absurd. Ok, God, if you hear me, I wanna get married now. hahahaha

Ada ada dengan kesepian?

Gumpalan awan kelabu di kepala berbatu

Malam menghisap siang, membawa ke detik tak bertuan

Riuh pekik suara di kepala di tenang yang mencekam

Speaker hitam memutar lagu yang sama, berulang

Menanyakan ada apa dengan kesepian

Buku – buku jari mengempit ragu sebatang lansing berujung asap

I don’t know how to tell you this. But I need you now.

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Insomnia - The Veronicas

++gue jadi penasaran ama The Veronicas, setelah didengerin lebih bener, ternyata 1 album enak semua. Hehehe

[Whispers] Sleep Sleep Sleep

I can't sleep most of the time
Try to cancel you from my mind
Never liked you that much anyway
Got to try sleep through to saturday

Can't seem to keep my eyes shut
Can't stop to think about what what what
You said, you said to me when
I lost, I lost you again

Can't take the picture away
Gotta get me outta this day
I gotta feel the rush on my face

Im lonely, gotta look for a party
and dance with somebody tonight
Coz I'm lonely, feeling empty inside
Can't you make me feel alive

I-N-S-O-M-N-I-A Can't sleep
I-N-S-O-M-N-I-A Can't sleep

Don't look at me like that
What? You think I'm some kinda maniac
Who was asking for your opinion anyway
It's my life and you don't have a say

Gotta get, get outta this place
Can't stand to look at your face
I'm gonna get lost in the underground
I'll kill you if you follow me around

Can't take the picture away
Gotta get me outta this day
I gotta feel the rush on my face

I'm lonely, gotta look for a party
and dance with somebody tonight
Coz I'm lonely, feeling empty inside
Can't you make me feel alive

I-N-S-O-M-N-I-A Can't sleep
I-N-S-O-M-N-I-A Can't sleep

Can't sleep
Can't sleep
Can't sleep

I-N-S-O-M-N-I-A Can't sleep
I-N-S-O-M-N-I-A Can't sleep
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powered by The Nerves

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Penasaran of the day.

Gue masih penasaran dengan gimana caranya dua orang tuna netra having sex for the first time. Ga, gue bukannya bilang mereka ga bisa karena keterbatasannya, gue yakin banget mereka malah punya kemampuan yang sangat lebih untuk ke-4 indera yang lain. And sex is not a brainy activity.
Yang gue penasaran, how to tell them, for their 1st time encounter to put penis into vejeje. Maksud gue kalo lo buta seumur hidup, yang lo kenali adalah badan lo sendiri kan ya? Atau mereka pernah diajarin anatomi tubuh jenis kelamin lain?Atau on the 1st night ada guidenya? Iyuh ga siiiih?
Rasa penasaran gue, karena di dekat rumah di Jogja, ada pasangan tuna netra yang punya anak kandung 3. hehe.
Gue sebatas penasaran on the 1st time, gue percaya kalo untuk selanjutnya insting sudah bekerja. Apa gue musti nanya? sopan ga sih? Nanya ke SLB kali ya? aah, gue disangka pervert lagi.hihi.
Yah pokoknya rasa penasaran bertahun-tahun gue belum kejawab sampai sekarang. 
Oke, selanjutnya gue masih mau ngomongin penyandang tuna netra, salah seorang pengemis yang ada di Jembatan Blok A, yang biasa gue lewat.  Kebetulan jembatan ini berujung lampu merah, jadinya gue ada waktu buat observasi *halah*. Sekali waktu, gue ngeliat si pengemis tuna netra ini, lagi usaha nyalain rokok. Tapi lucunya rokoknya keciil, tipis banget, kaya kalo ngelinting ganja. Bukannya saya pernah, cuma  beberapa kali liat punya temen.  (ini mau pake gue atau saya sih. labil amet)  Gue makanya (again) penasaran buat ngeliatin. Nah yang lebih bikin penasaran lagi, rokok apakah itu...karena tiba-tiba dari kejauhan ada suara sirine mobil polisi. Dan si Bapak, langsung berdiri concat agak ngebut menuju ujung jembatan, belok kanan ke arah sungai. Terus dia nyelip di satu rongga, jongkok di situ. Hiyah. Kan. Gue makin penasaran. 5W 1H deh. Wow wih weh wuh wah + hoo. hahaha.
Sayangnya, lampu merah sudah berganti jadi hijau. Terpaksa *lagi-lagi* menelan rasa penasaran itu.
*makasih Tuhan saya dikasih indera lengkap, mata saya mengajak saya melihat small thing yang bikin kepala kerja. =)

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.
It's already tomorrow in Australia ."

(Charles Schultz)

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Rafting Trip, 23 Okt 2010

Ber'9. Linknya beragam.
Gue, Yeni dan Nova temen gereja
Gue, Farah dan Rai, temen maen
Gue, rina temen meng'iha
Gue, debi, tmn sma
Gue, mega, kenal dr yeni
Gue, dimas, kenal dr mega.
Hahahaha. Complicated.
Ini dunia yang sesungguhnya, indeed we are all have connection to each others.
Kali ini kita mau rafting di Citatih, sukabumi. Gue kebetulan punya 8 voucher rafting, 12km. Jadi cemplungin aja semua + 1 byr sendiri hehe.
Sekarang sih kita masih di tol ciawi eh apa bogor? Hehe
Sepertinya cuaca ceraaah. Amiiin.
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powered by The Nerves

Oppie - Bidadari Badung (Album)

I am literally happy!!H.A.P.P.Y!
Googling nemu link buat nge-download albumnya Oppie  yang Bidadari Badung. YA TUHAAAAN. Hahaha. Lebay ye. Bodo.
Gue dengerin album ini kurang lebih 15 tahun yang lalu. UH WOW. Tahun 1995! gue 14 tahuuuun. haahahha.
Album ini sangat blues. I LOVE IT.
*gue kenapa ya? hihi
Gue berasa muda lagi dengerin lagu-lagunya. Bahkan gue masih inget sebagian besar lirik-liriknya. YAY.
Lagu kesukaan gue di album ini : (blues) Jangan-Jangan + Rumahku. Eh, tapi gue kayanya suka semua, karena ga ikhlas juga buat ngefast forward masing-masing lagunya.=D
Yang gue ga sukaaa adalah ternyata 15-16 Oct kemarin, Oppie abis manggung di Jakarta Blues Festival..dan dia nyanyi Jangan-Jangan. huhuhuhu. Aku ga tauuu. Aku pengen liatttt.
Ok di album ini ada:
  1. Bidadari Badung
  2. Ingat-ingat pesan mama --> legend dong yaa?
  3. Habis gelap terbitlah terang
  4. Holiday sendiri
  5. Andai di pantai
  6. Oo oo oo
  7. Bibie --> lagu buat mpus.
  8. Blues "Jangan jangan" *****
  9. Rumahku *****
  10. Sampai tua
Blues Jangan Jangan
Waktu hampir pagi kita masih di sini
saling cerita, dan membuka hati
2 jam sudah kita duduk di sini
nikmati malam ini dengan segelas kopi

tapi semakin lama ada rasa yang lain
aku juga heran
kenapa begini
kau perlakukanku bagai seorang putri
yang menyentuh naluri wanita yang hampir terlupakan
jangan-jangan teruskan nanti aku hanyut
jangan-jangan teruskan nanti aku jatuh
jangan-jangan teruskan nanti aku hanyut
jangan-jangan teruskan...aku ga mau jatuh cintaa.
jangan-jangan teruskan nanti aku hanyut
jangan-jangan teruskan nanti aku jatuh
jangan-jangan teruskan nanti aku hanyut
jangan-jangan teruskan nanti aku jatuh
jangan-jangan teruskan nanti aku hanyut
jangan-jangan teruskan...aku ga mau jatuh
ga mau jatuh ..u..u..u...cintaaaa
*sukaaa banget ama gitarnya. hhh.

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Reverse Psychology

Homer's Brain: Don't you get it? You've gotta use reverse psychology.
Homer: That sounds too complicated.
Homer's Brain: OK, don't use reverse psychology.
Homer: All right, I will!
The Simpson. In the third season episode "Saturdays of Thunder"
Noted. Maybe I should mastered it first.


who is the vampire?

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

No Vacancy- Breathe California

Tonight I find out
Just what you are all about
I'm the one that's come looking for you
I got the bottle baby, baby, baby...
It's all for you
Showed up to the room
About 3 or 4 ladies runnin,
Runnin right out the door

We came here to party like it's goin out (x2)

Well do this the whole night
This could be what we needed
We can do what we want to
A single melody to give this meaning
This memory is making moves

We came here to party like it's goin out... of style (x3)

I'm ready to go
I got the bacardi
We got the bottle topped
Who's ready for more?
Let's start this party
We got everything you're looking for

We came to the party like it's goin out (x3)

We'll do this the whole night
This could be what we needed
We can do what we want to
A single melody to give this meaning
This memory is making moves (x2)

I see you staring my way
It's driving me crazy

Monday's Revelation

Setelah kegagalan saya ngukus Brokusju semalam. Saya memutuskan gantung loyang sementara waktu.
Mau mengambil level lanjutan pudding aja. Hihi.
- ternyata saya beneran sebel ama bagian mengayak tepung. menurut saya, seperti tindakan ga penting, menunggu semua butiran tepung habis diayak.
Mending kalo terus ada berlian atau butiran emas ketinggalan. Lhah ini semua nyemplung ke adonan kok. Kenapa sih ga langsung dicemplungin aja? Heran. Bikin pegel aje.hehe.
- brokusju semalam resmi berubah nama jadi Bobanban, Bolu bantet banget.nyaaaaaaaaaaaah. #apakah ini curse dari si lulu?

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Buat dek Tya

Numpang di kelas 63: Ajariiiiin bikinnyaaaa
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Gampaaang
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: 250 gr Tepung ketan item, 8btr telor,200gr gula pasir, 1 sdt baking powder,gr, vanili
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Kocok gula ama telur sampai kental dan kuning pucat *hi speed*
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Meanwhile, ayak vanili, tepung ketan ama garam
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Eh iya lupa, ada minyak gr 125ml *klo aku 100ml minyak gr, 25ml mentega yg diencerin*
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Kan lupa lagi, panasin kukusan / oven, siapkan loyang, oles minyak gr /mentega, alasi kertas roti, tp aku ga punya kertas roti, jd hajar aja
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Terus, ngupil deh
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Hehehhe
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Ga deng
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Abis itu, di adonan telur yg ud kuning pucet bgt kaya org belum makan, masukin gantian tepung ayak dan minyak goreng,aduk balik ampe rata.
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Icipin
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Dikit aja, ntr mcr
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: kalo kurang manis, bisa tambahin sedikit susu kental manis,
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Aduk rata
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Tuang ke loyang.
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: MaSukkin loyang ke oven / dandang kukusan, yah pake feeling aja
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: 30mnt kalo aku sih
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Buat ngetest, tusuk pake lidi or tusuk gigi *inget, yang baru!*, kalo ud ga ada yg lengket di lidi, berarti ud mateng
*ID* el'zedhityasmi: Yay! You're own ketan hitam cake!

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powered by The Nerves

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Hungover - Kesha

And now the sun is rising
Now the long walk back home (back home)
There's just so many faces,
But no one i need to know (need to know)

In the dark I can't fight it, I fake til I'm numb
But in the bright light,
I taste you on my tongue

Now the party's over
and every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and i wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hung over you?
ah ah ah, ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?

Even my dirty laundry
Everything just smells like you (like you)
And now my head is throbbing
Every song is out of tune
Just like you

In the dark I can't fight til it disapears
But in the daylight
I taste you in my tears

And now the party's over,
and every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and i wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hung over you?
ah ah ah, ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?

Now iv'e got myself looking like a mess
Standing alone trying to pretend but no,
I put up my fight
But this is it this time (time)
Cus i'm here in the end, tryin to pretend
i'm here in the end, tryin to pretend
oh, ohhh

And now the party's over,
and every bodys gone
I'm left here with myself and i wonder what went wrong
And now my heart is broken
Like the bottles on the floor
Does it really matter?
Or am I just hung over you?
ah ah ah, ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?

Ah ah ah
Or am I just hungover?

I' d say FUCK! FUCK! and FUCK!
To your freakin face and I wont ever regret it.
Because your rotten breath deserve nothing good in this world.

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.
It's already tomorrow in Australia ."
(Charles Schultz)

Thought of the week :


-          Addicted to 3 songs  :

Better in time (Leona Lewis &  Boyce Avenue cover version), Hungover (Ke$ha, but I like Audrey & Gamaliel cover version better), Only Exception (Paramore & Lea Michele Cover Version, uum, I like both equally).  Tapi yang paling sering gue ulang-ulang ga berhenti itu Hungover-versi Audrey & Gamal. Its so touché. Haha.

-          I cannot concentrate at the office for specific. I worked like a zombie or a machine without any memory. I do my things, but in 15 minutes, I can't remember what the hell I did before. Shitte. It is sucks. Because every time my bosses ask me about the job, all I did just staring at him with a blank dork face. Trying so hard to push my brain recalling the memory until its hurts. I don't like being stupid. Or lost.

-          I am feeling in between. It is not that I am having that kind of bipolar mood disorder. But it does, sometimes I snapped at once on people but on the next moment I can laugh at the person reaction by my act. Right now, I tend to do something with rules, so I don't have to think, because I can't think. It's so frustrating, when I cannot recall information's that being held on the back of my head. I know I have the knowledges, but I can't recall it. It makes the situation double sucks.

So, that's one of the reasons why I'm developing my cooking hobby. I try to control my anxieties.

The recipe has the rules. And it is easy to be followed. I can do it in autopilot. I don't have to feel or think. Furthermore, it pleased people. It pleased the others.  I can gain my confidence by the appraisal I got from the baking.

Sigh.I need to do something with this. I have to. It's not right.