Selasa, 18 Desember 2012
Menyisakan ampas kehitaman, gelap dari yang tak sempat terucap.
Malam-malam sempat ku meradang.
Memukul kepala, menjerit pada yang silam.
Ku genggam lemah tangan lemah di genggaman.
Aku lelah.
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Senin, 10 Desember 2012
turn to right, double.
I'll go naked for the fuck I want and no-one to judge.
Masturbate as you please.
Staring at the plain wall and bring your self out of dimensions.
Having a mental conversation with the alters or even the spiders on the dark corner of the sink.
Remembrance. Embrace and gather memories, pick one or two, accompanied the mesmerized melody of falling water from the tap flowing to the bath.
Favorite scents.
You can touch all parts of your body and no one would raise one of the over arched eyebrows.
No one would questions the amount of time you waste by silently sitting , swearing at your life over the toilet seat.
The best feeling is, every time I go out from the bathroom, I feel brand new.
I washed all of the dirts and germs, shaking off 'the left overs' I got from strangers, disgusting pats from the rivals, evil and suspicious, judging looks from the bosses, world.
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Jumat, 23 November 2012
Happy day =)
Tau ga kenapa gue mewek the time I got the birthday cake?
At that moment, gue ngerasa grateful punya kalian.
Kalian udah ada dari jaman gue piyik, nemenin thru ups and down.
Dari seragam abu-abu sampai kegendutan. =D
A cocky bitch to a depressed woman and so on, and on.
Well, I thank God for you guys.
Stay with me, bear the fascinated life.
Thank you, thank you.
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Jumat, 16 November 2012
Senin, 12 November 2012
Kamis, 20 September 2012
Karma & Dharma
I wept like a spoiled kid.
I felt like a spider got tangled on his own made web.
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Senin, 10 September 2012
*its just
'Ha? Eh, engga. Engga papa.'
'What's in your head? Ga biasa biasanya kamu diem gini.'
'Um, nothing. Capek doang kali'
"Oh. Seriously. Seorang kamu? Kamu thypus aja masih bawel. Tell me."
"Haha. Ah. Yeah. There's things on my head"
"Such as?"
"Such, I can't watch the annual concerts with you"
"Oh. Why? Another business trip? Kan masih lama banget, tumben banget jadwalnya udah keluar"
"And? Why?"
"Gue ga yakin masih hidup sampai tahun depan. Some stupid cancer, stadium-stadium terakhir"
"........... Jangan boong"
"Menurut kamu, hal kaya gitu aku bisa bohong? Ah forget it. Temenin aku belanja yuk. Ga mau keliatan nestapa."
"Hey, kamu kenapa? Ini sekarang aku ga diem. Kamu malah gantian diem"
".........hhh. Hiks hiks hiks"
"Please, don't cry. Or I will sing that song"
(Sedu sedan)
"Don't cry, don't be shy..kamu cantik apa adanya.."
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Rabu, 05 September 2012
I am sucks.
I'm thirty. And I am what?
I have mental issues.
I'm thirty. And I am what?
I am overly give a fuck about a littlest thing I shouldn't.
I'm thirty. And I am what?
I forget how does it feels to be alive.
I'm thirty. And I'm signing out.
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Senin, 03 September 2012
Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012
She hits the demolition buttons.
Without even thinking, she's destroying everything.
'I hate it all' , she whispered and laughing uncontrollably.
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Senin, 30 Juli 2012
Bruises I wear on my sleeves
Take a little time to hold yourself
Take a little time to feel around before it's gone
You won't let go but you still keep on falling down
Remember how you save me now from all of my wrongs
If there's love just feel it
And if there's life we'll see it
This is no time to be alone, alone yeah
I won't let you go
Say those words
Say those words like there's nothing else
Close your eyes and you might believe
That there is some way out
Open up
Open up your heart to me now
Let it all come pouring out
There's nothing I can't take
And if there's love just feel it
And if there's life we'll see it
This is no time to be alone, alone yeah
I won't let you go
(Won't let you go)
(Won't let you go)
If your sky is falling
Just take my hand and hold it
You don't have to be alone, alone yeah
I won't let you go
(Won't let you go)
(Won't let you go)
And if you feel the fading of the light
And you're too weak to carry on the fight
And all your friends that you count on have disappeared
I'll be here not gone, forever holding on
If there's love just feel it
And if there's life we'll see it
This is no time to be alone, alone yeah
I won't let you go
(Won't let you go)
(Won't let you go)
If your sky is falling
Just take my hand and hold it
You don't have to be alone, alone yeah
I won't let you go
(Won't let you go)
(Won't let you go)
I won't let you go
I won't let
I won't let you go
No, I won't let
I won't let you go
I won't let you go
Rabu, 04 Juli 2012
Amazing Grace
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.
The Lord has promised good to me...
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be...
as long as life endures.
When we've been here ten thousand years...
bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
then when we've first begun.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see
Sent from BlackBerry® device ; please kindly excuse typos, brevity, abbreviations or anacoluthia.
Selasa, 29 Mei 2012
Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012
Gue menyeret kursi ke arah pilar, mengubah sedikit tatanan mereka, mencari tempat untuk menyandarkan punggung. Menghadap jendela-jendela kaca besar yang menyuguhkan padatnya pemukiman di sekitar mall ini.
Meja kayu hijau berlapis vynil, kursi berbentuk U terbalik tanpa sandaran. Segelas es shanghai di mangkuk bulat, dengan sirop merah jambu. Jaket, buku, sebungkus kotak langsing berisi lintingan tembakau dan geretan oranye. Asbak gue buat dari salah satu halaman agenda kerja.
Sendiri. Sesak. Berfikir.
Headset sudah ku lepas dari telinga, ternyata lagu ga membantu, malah bikin tambah riuh.
30 tahun, di sabtu siang, perut sedikit melilit. (Haha - note : yang paling gue ga suka dari duduk sendirian di suatu tempat adalah tiba-tiba harus ke toilet dan ga ada orang yang bisa dititipi barang-barang lo)
Memutuskan untuk meninggalkan buku, es dan rokok, menitipkan ke mas-mas disitu supaya jangan diberesin dulu. Ngacir berdamai dengan perut .
Memikirkan orang-orang tertentu yang saat ini (mungkin juga) sedang sibuk dengan urusan masing-masing.
Kalian. Saya. Apa yang terjadi?
Laughter, kisses,hugs, discarded cards, folded envelopes, return calls.
Scarred. Dreams. Layers.
Gue takut dengan masa yang akan datang.
Bukan dengan siapa. Tapi apa yang akan gue lakukan dengan apa yang gue punya.
Satu-satu. Seharusnya. Bukan sekaligus. Bukan semua.
Sent from BlackBerry® device ; please kindly excuse typos, brevity, abbreviations or anacoluthia.
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
Jumat, 04 Mei 2012
Rabu, 02 Mei 2012
(Repost) Jam 9 sampai jam 1?
(Repost) Gebles
Fwd: (Repost) - Madness
The Tale
Baris kalimat itu aku ketik tergesa sepuluhmenit sebelum aku boarding.
Sudahkesekian kali, sekarang aku harus menyelamatkan diriku sendiri.
Report Delivered.
Hembus nafas. "Okay". Bisikku sendiri, mencengkeram tali backpackdi pundak, menguatkan hati. Tanganku sedikit gemetar me-nonaktifkan handphone.
(Repost) Love
(Repost) - Thoughts
Senin, 23 April 2012
One of These Days
I am flattered by your fascination with me
Like any hot-blooded woman
I have simply wanted an object to crave
But you, you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight
Must be strangely exciting
To watch the stoic squirm
Must be somewhat heartening
To watch shepherd need shepherd
But you you're not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight
Like any uncharted territory
I must seem greatly intriguing
You speak of my love like
You have experienced love like mine before
But this is not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight
I don't think you unworthy
I need a moment to deliberate
Minggu, 22 April 2012
I choose thebest cattle, took a good care on it and when the day came,
Jumat, 23 Maret 2012
Need to let it out
Nyah. For god sake.
Itu buat kepentingan pribadi lo, seinget gue.
I told you, gue ga punya duit. I have budget. I have list dan kondangan ga masuk disitu.
Please, ngerti kek.
It hurts my ego too kali, tapi gue musti realistis. My parent need medication and that's where my money goes lately.
I don't fucking care about wedding reception. I don't.
So, just shut up. I won't flew my mom just to accompany you to go to stupid wedding reception, I don't even think my mom really know the bride and groom.
Sigh. Please put this in mind 'your day is over, stop bossing'
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Minggu, 18 Maret 2012
Kata pengertian , perhatian dan sayang jadi lebih perkasa sejak hari itu.
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Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012
Say isn't it so
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Selasa, 06 Maret 2012
Minggu, 26 Februari 2012
Selasa, 21 Februari 2012
Wild thoughts.
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Selasa, 14 Februari 2012
Emergency Exit
I need to escape from this uncertainty.
#Probably it is better if I found my self a totally new life.
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Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012
Jumat, 10 Februari 2012
Dunnosaurs -1
Selasa, 07 Februari 2012
4th /10
Masa gue muntah lagi. Bencong!!!!!!
This is stoppid. Such a waste of money.
Damn it.
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Minggu, 05 Februari 2012
You can do anything you'd like or you'd want, but not in the place where the authority is moi.
So. Leave.
Got the point? Go the fuck out of my head. This is my head talking.
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Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012
Sunday Mass - Karawang
Lama banget ga bisa minggu pagi.
Ternyata. Gue kangen misa minggu pagi.
Berasa kaya jaman aku kecil, gereja luas , udara pagi, jendela lebar-lebar.
God Bless Us
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Jumat, 03 Februari 2012
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(Teteup) nglilir
But to me, coming from you. Nothing is nothing, every single little thing you'd considered nothing is something for me.
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(Masih) ngelilir
*ama bantal juga , guling, selimut, meja , kursi, sofa biru, semua bergerak mengurungku!mengapa semua aku yang salah, begitu serba salah. Kram otak! Kram otak! (Hloh)
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You're so good in blue.
The scars, the wound and the pain suits you.
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Kamis, 02 Februari 2012
3rd / 10
The Illusion
Sekali terucap tidak akan kutarik kembali.
Aku mencintaimu dan aku harus pergi. Sekarang. Saat ini.
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Selasa, 31 Januari 2012
One of the nicht.
1. Peeling. Gue mulai peeling 4 hari yg lalu, karena gue pikir muka gue mulai kusem. So, I thought, let's do it.
Perih mampus ternyata.
2. Fitness. Hari ini, hari kedua ama PT gue. Dan gue sukses muntah2 musti dijemput Nova buat pulang.
Dan sekarang gue ga bisa bangun tanpa muttering f word. Haha.
Sekarang gue duduk di pinggir kasur, perih-perih di muka dan otot gue yang mengejang di seluruh badan.
A wow combination.
Ga ada yang mau gue stop. Gue udah mulai, jadi mari dinikmati.
A way to go bitch. Eat that. =)))
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2nd / 10 (PT's assisted)
Exercising with empty stomach is simply stupid.
I think I'll skipped the work tomorrow.
I can't stand straight. Craziness.
It's gonna be a sissy night.
*I asked Nova to picked me up. Because I don't think I can drive my self home.
*based on BMI, I am obese. Nothing new. I know.
After this I'll put my self on detox program again. I am obsessed.
Obese obsessed. Rhymes.
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Senin, 30 Januari 2012
This soreness wont kill me
However, moderate muscle pain might go a long way to keeping someone on the path to fitness.
Rabu, 25 Januari 2012
Dear Dad,
Jumat, 20 Januari 2012
Selasa, 17 Januari 2012
Jumat, 13 Januari 2012
Attention junkie
Jadi yaaaa, kemarin itu eh ga kemarin juga deng, udah beberapa hari bosen banget mainan twitter.
Maenan apalagi ya yang tetap bisa nyampah kilat?
Mau ngeplurk, lupa password. Hihi. Dan kayanya teman-teman seplurkan juga udah ga pada aktif.
Jadi saya iseng. Main muka buku. Facebook, man.
Saya tuh jarang buanget buka facebook. Selain saya ga gitu nyaman tapi yang utama adalah saya gagap facebook. Serius.
Kalau udah login, saya bingung mau ngapain. Buat logout aja kadang musti nelp Nova atau si mantan. 'Bok, kalau mau keluar dari facebook, sebelah mana ya?" Atau 'cong, kalau mau cari temen dari yang mana sih'. Hihi. Iya, saya sekatro itu.
Kenapa saya ga nyaman? Karena saya manusia nyinyir dan 'teman-teman' saya di facebook menurut saya 'ga bisa' nerima kenyinyiran saya.
Thu kan saya nyinyir. Hihi.
Jadi, teman di facebook itu adalah keluarga (adik, kakak, sepupu, oom , tante, sodara-sodara jauh dekat 2rb rupiah, halah ) teman2nya si keluarga yang pada akhirnya kenal saya juga, teman SD SMP SMU Kuliah Rumah.
Jadi genre'nya terlalu luas. Masyarakat majemuk. Dan saya introvert. (Yeah right)
Pokoknya gitu deh.
Jadi, kemarin saya saking garingnya ama twitter. Iseng lah login ke facebook. Pakai lupa password segala.
Terus niat banget update status sampai berapa kali gitu. Sampah banget.
Beberapa menit doang langsung dapat response.
Saya takjub.
Apa yang orang-orang ini lakukan? Mantengin update status temannya?
Saya jadi merhatiin status 'teman-teman'. Dan makin takjub. Hampir semua memiliki pola yang sama. Dramatis.
Resepnya sama. Menggantung.
Kaya gini ni 'sakit hatiku mengingatnya' or 'resah menunggumu.......' . Pokoknya, galau-galau ga jelas. Semua ditambah titik-titik dibelakangnya.
Saya sih jadi mikir ya, di facebook kemampuan berbahasa mungkin jadi meningkat ya, karena orang jadi tertantang buat flash update yang baru tentang dirinya..
Lebih gampang mengungkapkan perasaan. Yang lain'pun jadi lebih mudah menanggapi.
Kebayang ga sih, teman anda bilang didepan anda, 'aku resah menunggunya...' Hahahha. Mau jawab apa coba?.
Well, kalau buat saya, moral of the story is :
Ternyata gampang banget cari perhatian. Update'lah status mu di facebook. Tapi soal genuine apa engga. Itu urusan lain. =p
Me. Attention whore.
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Selasa, 10 Januari 2012
Minggu, 08 Januari 2012
I should really learn to let go this clingy feeling inside.
*sore throat, anxiety, my body alarmed awake at every movements.
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Senin, 02 Januari 2012
Es Nanas - Ex Man
Ku bertanya mungkinkah kau sadari
Bumi berputar, cuaca berganti
Dan ku tahu hatimu tlah mengerti
Thanks to the ex-man for a beautiful moment
and thanks to the ex-man for a lesson i learned
Kubertanya apakah kau mengerti
Betapa aku tetap menyayangi
Begitu banyak yang telah dijalani
Dan tak mungkin mengharapmu kembali
Terkadang berat melepas kau pergi
Dan ku tahu hatimu tlah mengerti
Bumi berputar, cuaca berganti
Dan ku yakin tak perlu ku sesali
Minggu, 01 Januari 2012
Baby, let it go. We're off. It is off.
Yeah. Since when?
A year ago?
Oh sure. The day you had a date with a rapist?
It's my therapist. MY THERAPHIST! For fuck sake! I need to see a therapist to safe my life from your DOWNFALL! But thanks to YOU! I found my self a person who would take cares of me. LET ME GO. Its sad if threw your hatred at me. But you know what? I don't fucking care. You can hate me in any form you'd like. Because I know its not me. The problem is YOU.
Or I'll......
Or what?! OR WHAT!
Oh.fuck. (Gun's blast)
(Another shot gun)
H.h.h.....(Muttering words from a blood chocked lungs)
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