Senin, 18 Januari 2010

paribasene yo

oalah, gabuk di gebuk yo ra ono isine.
kosong mlompong plola plolo - nggambleh wae.
metu'o nduk, tak enteni neng neroko
ben ngerti ndoyo, ra ming ning nduwur gulu.

i need the old me.
lets go ignorant, because they told me so.
Isnt it because i want it too?


what communication?
what are  you doing here?
go away
you dont care.
you wont care
you wont dare
thank you for not believing


and the award goes to.....
not you.
you're just a cocksucker
this is my world. my hell little world.
no one can understand how do I feel
because i am not them
we not us
they not I
* Aku bukan badutmu

C of M

kami adalah anak-anak malam
berkalung bintang dan benderang
di kegelapan kami bersinar
karena di terang kami membakar
dengar lagu puisi dan cerita kami
kami adalah anak-anak malam


you're always content with your self.
thats ok.
i am ok.
and i hope you're ok.
how to pursue the happiness?
trust your self that you can do it.
Have some faith.
*ssh, now i'll shut my mouth.
as things slowly faded
Here i am standing between you and your self.
*or i should leave you alone, because I am not perfect my self.


Minggu, 17 Januari 2010


Then, I have a heart

If  you think I don’t.

It’s not bleeding it’s stiff and cold.



Jika detik kita berhenti, yakinlah, tidak detak jantungmu.

Fairy tales

We're living as a hypocrites.
We open the wound, hiding it.
We're never together.
Its only in their heads.

Fairy tales.


Do anything that suits you the best, love.

For all these years, i'm just someone who passes your path like others.

Dikirim dari perangkat seluler saya

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010



#11. Aku berdiri di ngarai ini memandangmu jauh dibawah sana

Sakit. Harus melihatmu terberai, rambutmu masai tercabik ilalang dan karang tajam

Sakit. Mengingatmu, menepis ulurku dan memilih keabadian yang tak pernah kita tahu.

Angin berdesau di kakiku, membujuk  untuk melompat menujumu.

Tapi ke alam mana kau pergi? Aku takut nanti tak bertemu.


#01. Menjagamu dari dirimu sendiri adalah hal tersulit yang harus aku lakukan.

(walaupun kau tak pernah memintaku, tetap saja kulakukan)


#2010. Tercekat. Muram. Senyum. Lemah. Palsu

Lebih baik palsumu? Atau setanmu?



Untuk semua yang pernah ada di antara kita, entah terhitung atau tidak, buatku itu berharga.


Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

i need a hero.
i dont care if it's a man or a woman.
I need a hero.

last holiday, was a blast.
it's a chaotic moment.
i still feel the beast inside me, it's inconsolable.
i hate it.hate it.hate it.
i hate my family (while i supposed to love them)
ARRRRRGHHH. i wanna rip my chest open and threw away the bleeding tumor in my heart.
*being a Q is not helping
*I wonder when is my turn to have my very own drama?

We are a suicidal philosopher. Indeed.