Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Hippo & Flamingo (Trouble)

Through the separation

 Years gone by. Moths. Weeks. Days.

The creatures are still hardly swallowing the lemon's life had given

Once awhile awaken by nightmare, their chest clenching caused by the familiar pain of missing their abandoned loves.

"Sigh. I am missing you" Hippo's murmured in one the horrible nights
Miles from the Hippo's pond.  A sleek figured also had the troubled of resting.
"I must get it over" . A single sigh reduced the pain in to tears, helplessly rolling on the cheek.
(Backsound : Good Enough - Evanescence)


I want to be in the world, where I don't need to questioning WHY
I want to be somewhere, where that "forever" works
I want to be anywhere, where the heart rules, not that somekind of logic bullshit
I want to win against the things that has been fighting inside my heart
I want to dismiss this.
I want to get it over.
I want to be where the sun shines and the moon lights, and the cocky bartender serves their best vodka.
And cheered us everytime we took a shot.

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011


I don't really care what will gonna happen tomorrow, I've said my words.
That cut me some slacks.
Sometimes I feel less than somebody.
A wandered soul, lost in between verses.

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

H & F part 2 (Broken Hearted)

One night

Another damp night in a beautiful swamp near the Sahara desert

The hippo proposed the flamingo to settle down , "would you stay with me, love? , Because I dont think I can bear another night without you"

With a sad look in her eyes , the flamingo throw her gaze at the far horizons

"Oh dear," begged the hippo, "Oh dear," the hippo cried, "take me away with you, please... "

And that brings a flick of laughter in Flamingo eyes, a trickle of tear fell down from her eyes

"Darling, I will be missing you", answer the flamingo, ended the conversation


Thats the begin of the hippo gaining weight, because of depression

broken hearted hippo, ate and ate and ate

now the hippo weighed 3000 pound appproximately




Hippo'nya patah hati, tapi lebih serem lagi kalo hippo terbang kan?


I think I am gonna start to draw icon Hippo & Flamingo for my series

Hippo & Flammy

Ini kisah Hippo yang jatuh cinta dengan Flamingo.
Flamingo ga suka terbang tinggi, but yeah she likes flying away once a while
And the hippo would staring at the high grey sky, waiting for her to return
And sometimes in starry nights
She flew back from her adventurous journey's
Spread the beautiful wings, and shyly approaches the lonesome hippo
With grace she'll bow and lower her head to kissed hippo's temple
"Hey, Lover ", She said
"How do you do?",She asked
 And the lonesome hippo would answer, 'Ya gini deh, berkubang dan kangen gilak"
hippo yang ga romantis. huh.
Nulis fable ternyata seru juga ya. Lanjutin ah, Hippo & Flamingo.

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

SS - saturday syht

Sebulan sekali tepar muntah-muntah tiap period itu sama sekali ga cool.
damn it.
I feel awful.
#Office, sisa hangover . Probably I really should stop smoking. My head so dizzy, tummy growling, keringat dingin, I wish I can just puke right now and crawling in my bed. Shut the world.

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Kamis, 8 Des 2011

Why the hell, I keep updating my twitter if I misses somebody, while I can tell them directly.
Maybe Lulu is right, we're too much self exposing our life on that so called "Social" media which not so social.

Kangen blogging panjang.
Ga sekedar short liners.


Gue udah mulai latihan di fitness center, semoga ga warm warm chicken shit. I wish I can fulfill my 100HariOlahraga in this 4mo of my membership.

I am not expecting much, I just want to be healthier and yeah losing a few kilos would be nice. Hehe.
Gue terintimidasi sama ibu2 di tempat gym yang sangat lentur. Damn. I want that.

So. Today is gonna be my 3rd day of my resolution. Let's roll it ouuuut.

Have a blessed day, people. =)

Ps. Horeee. Minut ngutang bayarin nonton Arisan 2. Hihi. Next week!
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Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Ah just another day...I guess

Sometimes it just is.
Finnito. Words are overrated.