Sabtu, 03 April 2010

a quickie

ok. here's a quickie updates

- I feel a bit depressed now, you know the feeling of being unwanted strikes me again and the last time it hit the right place. Its hurt. 

- i feel like hate everyone I know secretly. I don't know, i just feel insecure, guess it has something related with the 1st point.

- I had skipped 1 Easter mass, 1 Good friday mass. All of it for the depressing reasons.

- i don't know what to write anymore.


* what kind of sista are you, if you're always criticizing my size? look at you! You definitely needs  an up size.

* that's a bullshit if you said that you're lying for other's good. That's nonsense! You're lying to safe your self out from trouble. There's no white lies. We're that egoistic.

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