Kamis, 16 September 2010

Midnite anxiety

This iS how I identified anxieties attacks, like what I did just now. I am fixing a breakfast meal for the kids in the middle of the night.
Sosis sapi dililit mi. Easy job. Sosis sapi dibagi tiga bagian, terus diperkecil lagi. Meanwhile, rebus mi instan, ga usah sampai lodoh. Buang air panas rebusan mi,siram mi pake air suhu normal, supaya ga lengket satu sama lain. Masukkan bumbu instan ke dalam mangkok mi, aduk rata. Ambil sosis, lilitkan mi di tengah sosis. Selesaikan. Finitto.
Jadi deh. Masukkin kulkas, besok tinggal digoreng. The kids loves it.

Another hints of the anxieties is I am blogging. Hihi

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